Withdraw ₹1000 Fee Per Failed Paper Along with Exam Fee: SFI State President RL Murthy
Hyderabad: The Student Federation of India (SFI) has demanded that Osmania University revoke its decision to charge ₹1000 per failed paper in addition to the regular examination fee for engineering students. On Monday, engineering students staged a protest in front of the Controller of Examinations office, calling for an immediate rollback of the decision.
Speaking at the protest, SFI State President RL Murthy criticized the university’s move, stating that the additional fee is unfair and would disproportionately affect students from economically weaker and backward communities, potentially forcing them to drop out of their studies. He urged the university to reconsider and revoke the decision immediately.
Murthy also pointed out that announcing new fees after the exam schedule has been released is unjust and creates confusion among students. Furthermore, he demanded that the university announce revaluation results before the last date for paying exam fees, as the current system causes financial and academic losses to students. He called for an extension of the exam fee deadline and an expedited release of revaluation results.
During the protest, Controller of Examinations Professor Shashikanth addressed the students and responded positively to their concerns, assuring them of further action. Following this, the students called off their protest.
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