“Ensure the Success of Bahujan Warrior Dr. Epuri Somanna’s Sabha on January 18 in Dharmapuri.”
Deccan Freedom News
A meeting was held under the leadership of MRPS Dharampuri Mandal President Katta Lakshman Madiga at Dharampuri, where MRPS Constituency Incharge Chirra Lakshman Madiga was the chief guest. He urged the community to ensure the success of the preparatory meeting for the “Thousand Voices, One Lakh Drums” event scheduled for February 7 in Hyderabad. The preparatory Sabha will take place on January 18 in Dharampuri, and renowned Bahujan Warrior and Singer Dr. Epuri Somanna will grace the occasion.
Chirra Lakshman requested the participation of all sub-castes of the Madiga community in large numbers to make the event a grand success.
The meeting was attended by MRPS State Leader Chilumula Lakshman Madiga, Dalit Associations’ State Leader Parapelli Raja Mallayya Madiga, MSP District Secretary Arikilla Satish Madiga, MRPS District Secretary Mokenapelli Satish Madiga, MRPS Mandal Secretary Barigela Prashant, Senior Leaders Rayilla Ravi Kumar, Dikonda Mahender Madiga, Sriram Anjayya Madiga, Gajjela Rajesh Madiga, Mandal President Bollarapu Pochaiah Madiga, Former Presidents Chandoli Srinivas, Jillapelli Gangaram Madiga, Advocate Gajjela Raju Madiga, Bollarapu Pedda Gangaram, Tatipelli Mallesh, and Village Branch President Kuntala Rajamallesh, among others.
This Sabha is expected to unify and strengthen the voice of the community in the region.
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